Sunday, April 14

GF Triple Chocolate Cookie Balls

Triple Chocolate Cookie Balls? Delicious and easy. Can I make them GF? Yeah!

First posted 11-11-11

YET Another Party? YES! But this one was for a good cause... they all are, but we collected infant supplies to donate to our local Emergency Infant Services.

While we got together for gab and grub, fellow potluckers brought some delicious food, and I'll be blogging their recipes as soon as I get them.

We ate the mandatory cookie salad, green apples diced, cool whip slathered over and snicker bars cut up and tossed in. That was interesting and decadent.

I made Indian food--hey! If I keep inviting different guests, I can continue serving the old stand-by right? Go With What Works! It's a No-Brainer.

My friend, Erin brought Mediterranian Seven-layer dip and that was terrifically delicious! So watch for that coming up.  HeRe iT Is!!!

And I made a rip-off of the world-wide party food, dessert balls. I saw them on a Kraft blog and had to modify them for GF.

This GF Triple Chocolate Cookie Ball recipe calls for oreos crushed, jello instant pudding and I added cream cheese.

Delicious! Enjoy!

1 comment:

plasterer bristol said...

Yummy these look incredible