It was a five hour delight of a flight and the return was welcoming. The family all came out to celebrate her return and make me food! Okay, it was for them too, but when someone feeds you, you do feel loved.
While we have been here this trip I've reconnected with friends at several Utah restaurants and wanted to showcase them and their "Gluten Friendly" menus.

IS HE NUTS? The guy just inhaled two large pieces of lasagna *not gf, and he wanted my pizza? Touch the Pizza and Die Man! P.S. It also reheated nicely in the microwave next morning.
I didn't take a photograph of the deliciousness of the gf pizza at Cafe Paesan in Provo, but was, as always deliciously impressed. (Having been reassured by the daughter who ate mine graciously as I was having a tummy attack.)
Reality Bite: For my own future reference, do not gobble four cranberry pills to make up for not taking them day by day.)
Disclaimer: The word gluten friendly to the restaurant industry seems to remove the litigation factor, as they don't have to take on liability or detail their preparation process.
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