There is a distinct difference in handmade and homemade sauce. Handmade would involve blanching the fresh roma's and beefsteaks from the garden and gently slipping the peel from the meaty flesh. These would then be set to simmer for hours with fresh basil, thyme and garlic cloves plucked from the spice garden.
Yeah, no.
Two 28 oz. cans of diced tomatoes,
1 can (8 oz) tomato paste,
1/4 onion sauted in olive oil (I know it's work, but I'm out of dried.)
1 tsp. minced garlic (the bottle from the dregs of the fridge)
a scoop (2 tsp. maybe) dry basil and thyme
salt (to taste - more if you forget to salt the meatballs)
Simmer 20 minutes or until the boys come home. It tastes (to immature-unrefined tastebuds) as good as handmade. And it's faster!
That's reality.
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