Saturday, March 3


Reposting this for the bakers in Alaska feeding the Man on A Mission. I am so grateful to you. Attempting gluten-free for people you are cooking for is a true act of service and love.

If you had to make a list of food
-- basic subsistence foods -- to live on while you learned how to bake gluten free, what would be on it?

One good, easy Peanut Butter Cookie recipe. No flour, no weird ingredients--a good starter.

Okay two good cookie recipes. A chocolate chip cookie recipe. This recipe can be adapted to many different flours--use a mix of whichever you have on hand.

One good, easy bread recipe. This one is a wrap bread that can be rolled out on a cookie sheet, baked then cut apart and frozen if needed. Easy and fast!

One good, easy cracker. This one can be rolled out on a cookie sheet, scored, baked and then broken apart.

Another good easy quick bread: Corn Bread. Anyone can make it and we lived off it for months while I adapted.
One good, easy pizza that even a college boy can make. May be asking too much?
Try it. I was surprised.


trishtator said...

Great list! I'll have to try the wraps :)

Anonymous said...