Sunday, June 22

Tabouleh - No Bull-gar

Wow! Today we ate an Italian tabouleh salad - safely! When I cook creatively, I tend to cross cultures. Someone told me combining cultures can turn out some really beautiful creations. (They were speaking about babies, but the metaphor also works for food.)

I made it with cold cooked millet, (in the rice cooker, 1 cup millet grain, 2 cups water). To make it faster, I added italian dressing, extra italian spice mix, veggies, chopped fresh basil and spinach, diced tomatoes, vidalia onion, a can of artichoke hearts (because they were nearing their eat-by-date), the last bit of feta cheese, then I let it sit a couple hours.

It was so good! Today, it's even better!


Neko Carrillo said...

yum, sounds good. I'll have to try it.

Jenna Jean said...

It was yummy! Now that I am not so full I wish I could have some more!

Anonymous said...

what do you get when a man from Iceland marries a Cuban woman?


Ice Cubes!