Tuesday, August 7

GF Mondo Marshmellow Krispy Treats

Sometimes you jump over the top and the recipe concoction is just too much--and this was one of those times.

I had chocolate cookie crumbs languishing in the freezer at the summer house and only heaven knows how long they had been there.  In the biannual

(meaning not twice yearly, but in this case a sureness that it hasn't been done for at least two years,)  


(Mom said when they had to defrost freezers in the old days, this happened at least yearly;) 


I found the cookie crumbs and I had to find some way to use them and the bag of MONDO marshmellows 

(GIGANTOR marshmellows--I know you've seen then and wondered just how many could be shoved in the mouth at once;)


combined with the bag of gargantuan marshmellows that college guy left, and the recipe from a box of rice krispies, this is the result.  

Reality Bite:  If you don't really love, love, love chocolate, you may find yourself doing as I, chewing off the bottoms and throwing the tops away.  Or I could have shipped them to mission guy in Alaska.   

He would have loved the leftover tops. 

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