first posted 2-8-08
"Ring, ring,"
I have a retro ring tone programmed into my cell. The instant I hear that ring, I’m flung back into the past, I'm six years old and so excited because the call causing Grammy's big black telephone to ring, might be for me. Whee!

However, the diagnosis of celiac disease saved her little three-year old tornado from the very precipice of doom. Before her diagnosis, each day the child careened through life, with no regard for the detritus left in her wake.
Mommy Mandy had tried to tame the tornado with every technique short of the lasso of Pecos Bill. And now, the diagnosis of celiac disease is the rope she clings to.
DX stories: Mandy’s daughter, Twila,[2] was diagnosed at three. She showed signs of failure to thrive, underdevelopment in motor skills on top of the normal hedonistic tendencies of a three-year old. (She was a terror.) Finally after minor tummy troubles, Mandy forced her pediatrician to order blood tests and voila, celiac disease.
Mandy’s grief adjustment was daunting and her learning curve steep—as she learned, assimilated and incorporated all of the information in a very short period of time. I was so proud of her as she remained humble and teachable—yet dubious and witty, amid the trauma of grief.
She became ubber-enthusiastic when she saw the steep improvement shown by her daughter. She had the added benefit of past journal entries as a comparative. This is vital. Recalling how bad--how desperately bad it was--helps many of us press on.
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