Thursday, December 5

Saurkraut Salad

Retro 2010

The Recipe finally!!!!

1 quart saurkraut,
1 diced green pepper,
1 diced red pepper,
1 cup diced celery


Stir up and bring to a boil :
1/2 cup vinegar
1/4 cup salad oil,
1/4 cup water,
 1 1/2 cup sugar.

 Pour over and refrigerate overnight.

I know this sounds yuck. I couldn't believe how such a thing could be good either, but I tasted it to be polite and it was delicious. I had to include it on my blog so that I could remember it and so that next year I can again wow the group of adventurous gastrophile potluckers!

HOLIDAY FLASHBACK: As children, there were nine of us running about and when he got really irked my father was provoked to call any one of us potlickers, and I think I like the change.

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