Wednesday, October 14



Whatever did we do before Campbell canned condensed soups? 

Well, thanks to COVID, we all can learn to do as our grandmothers did and make our own.

This is one of the best recipes in my collection - I probably use it as a soup or in powdered form to create a casserole, twice a week in winter soup season. 

I keep this soup mix foremost in the front of the pantry -- (so the darling husband, Mr. Darcey can find it.)

Homemade Condensed Soup Recipe

 (Powdered mix) version below

GF creamed soup  (notice, all ingredients are healthy and pronounceable)

1 cup cold milk
2 Tbsp cornstarch
1 1/2 Tbsp butter
1 tsp chicken bouillon
1/2 tsp salt dash of pepper

In a small saucepan, whisk milk and cornstarch till well blended. Stir in butter, bouillon, salt, and pepper. Heat to a boil, stirring frequently. Simmer on low for one minute more to thicken.

Use in recipes to replace one can of cream of anything soup.

Cream of Mushroom Soup: Stir in a drained 4 ounce can of mushroom pieces to the recipe above.

Cream of Chicken Soup: Already flavored, you could stir in 1/2 cup cooked chicken pieces to the recipe above.

Cream of Celery Soup:Stir in 1/2 cup sautéed chopped celery to the recipe above.



Cream of ANYTHING Soup Mix GF/CF Version

I keep a container of this in the cupboard and just use a scoop of it with water whenever I need a can of cream of something soup. If it is a can of condensed soup that I need, I half the water as liquid and double the powder.

2 cups of dry powdered milk or gf/cf nondairy creamer
3/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup bouillon granules
1 Tbs dry onion flakes
1 teaspoon each basil and garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2 Tablespoons dry celery flakes (optional)
1 tsp salt

To make the mix, combine all ingredients in a bowl. Mix them up, distributing everything evenly. Stored in a quart size container, well sealed, this mix will keep for several months.

To prepare as soup: Whisk 1/3 cup mix and 1 1/4 cups cool tap water in a small saucepan. Stir well and bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil and stir for a full minute. Remove from heat.

It is now ready to use in any recipe calling for a can of Cream of Mushroom, Celery or Chicken Soup. This works in any casserole when you add a can of mushrooms, some sauteed celery or chicken.

Microwave instructions - reduce the liquid to 1 cup because it does not evaporate during the cooking process.

This recipe contains no added fat - a benefit. But if you want you can add a tablespoon of margarine or bacon grease for more flavor, but it really doesn't need it. This recipe makes 9 cans of soup and may save you about $8.00 if you used to use Campbell's brand... and 80% more than that if you are able to discover a g-f stash of Progresso Cream of Mushroom . (Stores rarely have it in stock!)

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