Wednesday, May 11

Celiac Gene Study

Here are the details of the City of Hope celiac gene test study for first-degree relatives of individuals diagnosed with celiac disease. There is specific criteria -- at least two people in the person's family must be prediagnosed with celiac disease to allow the gene testing of other individuals in the family.




Investigators at the City of Hope are seeking families with at least two individuals who have been diagnosed with celiac sprue or dermatitis herpetiformis to participate in a genetic study of celiac disease. The study is designed to identify factors associated with celiac disease and to find genes that may predispose individuals and their relatives to develop this condition. The discovery of such genes may one day lead to better diagnosis, treatment, and possibly even prevention of celiac disease.

Families eligible to participate in this celiac study must have at least two relatives (with the exception of simple parent-child pairs) diagnosed with celiac sprue or dermatitis herpetiformis by at least one of the following methods: a small intestinal biopsy, a positive transglutaminase (tTG) antibody test, a positive endomysial (EMA) antibody test, or a positive skin biopsy (for dermatitis herpetiformis). After meeting the eligibility criteria to enroll a family, all first degree relatives of those who have been diagnosed with celiac sprue or dermatitis herpetiformis will be invited to participate in the study. These participants will receive a free antibody test for screening of celiac disease if they are not currently on a gluten free diet and have not recently been tested for celiac sprue.

If you are interested in participating, or have questions about the study, please contact Elizabeth Bustamante at City of Hope: or (626) 471-9262 or toll-free at (866) 356-9962 or Linda Steele at (626) 471-9264 or toll-free at (800) 844-0049.

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