Saturday, June 27

Investigating GF?

Gluten-Free: What? Investigating GF? If so you are not alone. It might be the number one undiagnosed disease ( in America, but it seems to be the hottest diet topic in all the nation! Yay! You are hip, cool, rad, hot, all the great words for in the groove and on task. (And this may be the last good feeling you will have about this disease for a long time.)

It's a tough haul, up a steep learning curve, but a relatively short one. Thank goodness!!!

It can be as simple as avoiding four grains, wheat, rye, barley and oatmeal. ...but they are hidden in additivies in many foods. (avoid food starch, malt, are big warnings!)

Good news, 86% of all new foods unveiled at the New Food Convention this year were Gluten-Free. The manufacturers are racing to be at the head of the curve and we are blessed to have that happening!

Look up! The best is yet to come! Health, vitality, and no pain! I think you can !!!!

And when I ask other GF newbies for their one comment it is, "It is so worth it!!"

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