Saturday, December 11

Christmas Salsa

Cranberry Christmas Salsa adds such a unique flavor to the season that I find myself eating it by the spoonful.  

 Some people keep nog in the fridge for sneaking/snacking over the holidays, I keep this! And I'm making it tomorrow to take to the GF POTLUCK PARTY and to EAT ALL SEASON!

First Posted 12-10-08, but it is such a tradition that I'm posting it again today.

This recipe has inspired a great tradition. Every year I misplace this recipe and I have to hunt for it. I start looking for it in the most improbable place and work my way to the most likely. It takes a couple of days, but that's how I start the cavalcade of Christmas cleaning.

And, if it doesn't turn out to be where I expected, at least the process wasn't all in vain!

1 Tablespoon. fresh cilantro chopped
1/2 can pickled jalapenos (vary for hotness)
1 red pepper chopped
1 green apple (granny smith)
1/2 red onion chopped
1/2 to 3/4 cup sugar
1 bag cranberries chopped (fresh or frozen)

Chop everything, mix together and refrigerate.

This is a spicy and delicious addition to Christmas tradition.

1 comment:

Sabeys said...

awww! look at your sweet little plate!