Monday, August 22

GF Toffee Brownie Torte

Betty Crocker keeps tantalizing me with tasty treats and today's frozen titillation is just the thing I've been looking for to take to our church water park adventure tonight. There is a contest for frozen treats at the end of the evening at the park, so wish me luck!

I start with a brownie base in a spring form pan. Cool and slather chocolate ice cream atop, sprinkle with toffee bits and drizzle peanut butter chocolate topping on top of that. YUM!

I've heard that Gluten-free Goddess has a terrific brownie, but the recipe was way too hoity-toity for me. I've dumbed it down some as I don't know where to get Belguim chocolate, and bourbon vanilla and the only free-ranging that my eggs do is running down the cupboard when I break one accidentally.

Toffee Brownie Torte

1/2 cup cocoa powder (I do buy dutched when I can find it.)
1/2 cup butter
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 egg
1 cup brown sugar

Blend these ingredients until well combined.
Sift the dry ingredients and add to wet.

1/2 cup almond meal
1/4 cup brown rice flour (I used buckwheat as I didn't have any rice flour ground)
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda

Blend well. and pour into a greased 8x8 pan (I'm using a parchment papered 9" springform). Press in 1 cup chocolate chips or chopped pecans, if desired.

Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes. Err on the side of underdone rather than dry and crumbly.
After about ten minutes of cooling, I layered on about a pint and a half of chocolate ice cream and froze the whole thing.

An hour before serving, I sprinkled it with toffee bits and chopped peanuts and drizzled peanut butter dark chocolate over the top. (Yeah, it was a squeeze-pack of the free sample from Peanut & Co. that I got at the last celiac support group meeting and it was just the right size and it was sitting on my counter, but I should be forgiven because I did have to homemake the toffee bits.)

Reality Bite: Ah, a beautiful masterpiece! Now, how to keep it cold to serve in some of the hottest temperatures we've had in history...

1 comment:

Neko Carrillo said...

Wow! that looks yum!