Sunday, February 28

Basic Millet Bread

This is the recipe mainstay for most of my recipes calling for bread, crumbs or slices. It is Bette Hagman's Basic Millet Bread, pg. 82 of her Gluten Free Gourmet Bakes Bread Cookbook.

I have blathered on and on about Bette Hagman and her recipes. There is none other who could have done what she did in her era of gluten-freedom. I praise her legacy and feel honored to follow in her footsteps. I love her recipes, there haven't been many that I don't have 100% success with the first time out. I did not want to be the first to post her recipes to respect her copyright, so here is the link to the recipe I use online - posted by Ehow.

Her bread can be made in three different sizes for all sizes of bread makers, so I do make the middle sized loaf as my boys will eat a loaf for breakfast, lunch and dinner and if I made more, snack for supper.

1 c. of each flour, 2 1/4 tsp xanthan gum, 1 tsp salt, 1 1/2 tsp of the gelatin and egg replacer, 3 T. sugar, 1/3 cup dry milk powder and 2 1/4 tsp dry yeast granules.

Use wet ingredients, 3 eggs, 1 tsp vinegar, 1/4 cup canola oil. 1 cup water. I have used butter and increased the water a little.

Click for bread baking tips if you wondered.

Gaaaaaghhhhh! I hate breaching Bette's copyright, but this really is one of my main staple breads. Our church uses it to replace our sacrament "communion" bread on Sundays and even non'gf'rs like it.

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